Thompson family film library
Filmmaker, Goodwin Thomas Thompson, approx. 1936 (image courtesy of Philip Thompson)
Conservation & Capture
Original format: Super 8 & 8mm film, silent.
Digital format: Footage captured at standard definition resolution of 720 x 480.
Length/feet or running time: Approx. 4000 ft
Circa: 1946-1980
Status: Conservation and digital capture completed by The MediaPreserve
Online Access: Coming soon
Philip Milo Thompson was born and raised in western North Dakota. He is the second son of Goodwin & Dorothy Thompson. Philip grew up playing baseball and helping his uncles on the family farm. He used his Father's 8mm camera in college where his love of history grew. Philip later filmed his own family, a wife and three daughters, with a super 8mm camera. Philip has always been involved in his community which has made him somewhat of a local historian. Philip is an avid reader and has enjoyed learning more about his family through genealogy. Philip retired in 2015 from the National Park Service after 20 years at Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, ND.
Goodwin Thomas Thompson, one of nine brothers and sisters of third generation Norwegian heritage, was a farmer and carpenter. Born in Wisconsin, his family moved to the Beach, ND area around 1906. Goodwin started filming in 1945 when his first son (Jack Goodwin Thompson) was born. He continued until the late 50’s capturing all three of his children and his and his wife's extended family events. Goody also filmed many of the local community events, some of which still take place today. He passed on his camera to his son, Philip and also the importance of his family's heritage.
Goodwin & Dorothy Thompson, 1936 (image courtesy of Philip Thompson)